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Have an idea or request for a new feature or new ways to use the ones you already have? Welcome to a la mode Feedback. You...
There’s no easy way for us to modify, edit, or delete any of the entries. Once you create a QuickList item, it’s there pretty...
Grammarly provides both grammar and spell check functionality that would be really helpful in our formfilling software.
While in the Photo Tab we have the capability to move, swap or replace photos which is quite handy. What is missing is that...
It would be nice to add notes to comparables that would be available to view when that comparable is used again. Being able to...
I would like to be able insert or remove photos and have the existing photos move over to take up the space of the vacated...
I'd like to see an option to group similar QuickList entries in a common category so that I don't have to spend time scrolling...
Include a scan of the report for prohibited words maybe in the E&O review?
I find myself constantly forgetting to put the current date on my invoices before I send to customer. Since I normally put my...
Add an E&O warning when the room count in the report does not match the number of rooms in the sketch