Submit a Quote - Spam Screening

Kenneth Miller

The submit a quote link is a great feature and has produced valid requests over the years. However, anyone who has an XSite has been hit up with spam throughout the years. Last night I received over 150 spam requests in less than 10 minutes. I have just as many text messages and emails to clear as a result. There needs to be a way to limit this type of abuse. Please fix this!


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Keith Beckstead

It would be very helpful to add some CAPTCHA options to the lead capture forms.


Gary Scott

I like the idea of reducing spam, but when I heard reCAPTCHA (a specific service owned by google), it immediately brought back multiple times reCAPTCHA was a royal pain, the worst was when I had to try more than 20 times to log in to a site. The first 3 or 4 times, I didn't pay close attention but did what normally worked, for some reason, as far as I could tell, and my wife verified, all our answers appeared correct yet were rejected. The final time the system accepted my answer and immediately disconnected, tried again, and after 5 tries, it accepted my answer and disconnected. That site lost me as a customer FOREVER. I will NEVER go back. I'd hate to see that happen to appraisers. Please consider using one of the alternative CAPTCHA systems, but NOT reCAPTCHA. It still infuriates me and could lose some customers. I've used other systems that were much more pleasant to use. Sure, reCAPTCHA is free, but it is maddening, extremely annoying, exasperating. I read that reCAPTCHA brings down your site speed which can lower your search engine (SEO) rating. Please give us the ability to NOT use it, turn it on or off, or better yet, use an alternative system. I refuse to use reCAPTCHA unless forced into it and definitely do not want to aggravate my clients. Additionally, perhaps it's my eyes, but they seem to have intentionally dimmed the images to make them harder to see/solve.


Kevin Hawkins

Thank you for your feedback. We'll take your comments into consideration when building this feature.


Kevin Hawkins

We're going to investigate how we can incorporate reCAPTCHA into XSites to mitigate spam through the forms. We'll provide an update once we know more.


Leland Hill, GAA, AGA

As Gary said, reCAPTCHA is a royal PITA!
It doesn't work well, and I try to avoid websites that use it.


Carl Bickford

This could probably be better. If more information were required and more fields to be filled out with correct information, it would probably kill most of the spam. If not, add a captcha..
A CAPTCHA test is made up of two simple parts: a randomly generated sequence of letters and/or numbers that appear as a distorted image, and a text box. To pass the test and prove your human identity, simply type the characters you see in the image into the text box.