Prohibited word filter

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Kathy Dotson

Include a scan of the report for prohibited words maybe in the E&O review?


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Mike McGuire

Great idea! We recently added a bias-words/word-search feature to TOTAL that you can leverage to do exactly this. See the feature in our manual here:


Mike McGuire

Status changed to: Live


June Anderson

Has a la mode developed a check-list for bias words in appraisal reports? Since this is now an issue with appraisal requirements, I was trying to use all tools available to avoid corrections on my reports. Thanks


Christian Walcotts


Christian Walcotts

Merged with: Racial Bias in Appraisals


Dominic Corson, ASA, IFA

I am appraiser with 38 years of experience and have been using alamode for at least 25 years. I am also on the Maryland Task Force dealing with racial bias in appraisals. It would be a great feature especially within the E&O review scan to flag racially biased words or comments identified by FNMA and HUD. I understand you can't disclose what you are working on, but this is a much needed feature as FNMA is already referring appraisals to state licensing boards for racially biased words or phrases. I know you are working hand in hand with the GSE's on the new appraisal form. I'm hoping this sort of scanning feature will be included so we can all just stay out of trouble and avoid possible lawsuits.


S Walker

Can Fannie/Freddie list of forbidden subjective words be incorporated in E & O?


Christian Walcotts

Merged with: E & O check for subjective language


Christian Walcotts

Merged with: Need word search feature for Fannie and Freddie potentially subjective or biased words or phrases


kathi crowe

Appraisers need word a search feature for Fannie and Freddie potentially subjective or biased words or phrases that might trigger fatal message from them. I believe Click Forms already has this feature.


Kelly Horn

A lender sent us this message and we are hoping you can add a type of scrub for the bias words that Freddie Mac and we assume soon that Fannie Mae have out.

"To be proactive, we are asking that you reach out to your software provider to see if they can implement a review your report for potential bias words prior to submission. I believe several appraisal software companies already provide this service. "

Is this a possibility?


Christian Walcotts

Merged with: Bias Word Scrub


Paula Sloan

Can you please add a feature that would search for words Fannie Mae prohibits now? In speaking with Bradford users, I know they now have this. It would certainly be helpful as words can be missed when using an old template.

ALSO - please take a look at the general purpose form. I consistently have to re-type the client and lender data in the report. This report is typical for a private client so there is no lender, but the software consistently puts the client name in the lender and borrower fields. Even though locked it continues to do this. I am not alone on this as I have spoken with other Appriasers regarding this. I have to retype this information in my report multiple times before I can send out reports - very annoying and sometimes missed. Since most of my work is private these days - it would be nice to have a report that works.

Thank you.


Christian Walcotts

Merged with: Feature upgrades and corrections


Alex Kambar

Do you have a way to parse the report for HUD's growing list of biased words that are triggering discrimination investigations?


Christian Walcotts

Merged with: Biased Words


Mark Woodruff

I am curious when this list will be available for update. under-writers are sending ridiculous requests. Some of the words are a statement of FACT. This would greatly assist the appraiser.


Christian Walcotts

Merged with: Illegal Words


kathi crowe

This software definitely needs a word search feature for "discriminatory" words/wording, that can either be custom built, and/or include published Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac questionable wording. If Alamode asked their appraiser customers, I'm certain this would be a top priority at this point in time. Please consider this request/suggestion with utmost priority.


Christian Walcotts

Merged with: Fnma banned words/terms search?


Erik Kirby

is there existing or can there be a feature that searches the "discriminatory" words FNMA is searching for (IDK how "well maintained" has become discriminatory)