Integrate with Grammarly to provide spellcheck in TOTAL

Becka Champagne

Grammarly provides both grammar and spell check functionality that would be really helpful in our formfilling software.


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Mae Hayes



Christian Walcotts

Merged with: Please add checking grammar


Tony Davis

I have been using Grammarly for over three years and heavily rely on it to make my documents more professional. This would be a considerable boost in making our reports more professional. I know that your Dev team uses Grammarly, and it is used in your organization. Please make this a part of Total!


Christina Goodson

I would love to have grammerly integrated into the program. It would be so much faster, more accurate and allow us to have another level of professionalism.


Mark Goehring

real-time spell check and Grammarly would be very helpful instead of after-the-fact spell check.

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Wayne Whited

spellcheck already works well, but grammerly for the addenda would really help.

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Brandon Kendall

i would really appreciate having spell chek.


Tom Boykin


Christian Walcotts

Merged with: Provide integration with Grammarly


Jacob Uzuncan

Yes, this is very much missing from this softweat


Kyle Gresh

Can spellcheck also be done in real time? This way if a word is spelled wrong it will pop up with a red line as we are typing the sentence/paragraph and we can fix it right away.


Becka Champagne

This would require a constant web connection currently. Still investigating ways to make it work with a desktop product vs a web product.


Gary Lobo

Would be a big help


Leland Hill, GAA, AGA

I use a similar program called Linguix, which I like better than Grammarly. But overall, they provide similar functions.


Kenneth Miller

Having Grammarly working in the background in Total and not having to open Grammarly, highlight the text that I want to proof in Total, copy and paste it to Grammarly, make the changes in Grammarly, and copy and paste it back in Total would be a HUGE time saver! Plus, I wouldn't forget to run it ever again! I'm on a 188-week writing streak with Grammarly. I use it on every appraisal, except the ones I forget because I'm in a rush and trying to meet a deadline.

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Becka Champagne

Post moved to this board


Taylor Smith

I have to agree with Becka. I also want to test the feedback functionality" Did I spell that correctly?"