Add notes to Comparables

Brad Renfro

It would be nice to add notes to comparables that would be available to view when that comparable is used again. Being able to add notes such as "addition built in 2000" or "agent told me basement is not finished" or what site value was chosen for the comparable would be nice to view at a later time so we could quickly view items we discovered the first time the comparable was used. Now I"m having to go back and look at the workfile from the first time the comparable was used to reference the pertinent details of that sale.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Lucas Lykins

The comments field within the Total for Mobile software is helpful as it is a convenient place to add comments on a comparable when taking comparable photos.

The problem with this field is that it doesn't follow the address if you reorder the comparables later within TOTAL.

For example, if I add a comment to Comparable 2 while in the field and then later reorder that comparable to Comparable 4 while in the office, I will still see the "note" stuck to Comparable 2 rather than it moving with the intended comparable to Comparable 4.

This can cause obvious problems and creates more work for the appraiser to try to remember which address the note was for.


Christian Walcotts

Merged with: Comparable Sales Comments field


Josh Seeger

Is it possible to be able to attach documents and/or notes to a comparable? For example for new construction homes it would be nice to be able to attached contracts, option sheets, HUD-1, etc....or even just a comments tab for each comparable to note details that are important. Basically would like to add documents/notes behind the scenes, that transfer to other reports where I import the same comparable. Thanks.


Christian Walcotts

Merged with: Attaching extra data to comparable


Andrew Miller

An AMAZING and probably simple feature to add would be a notes section in the side by side view and/or the comps database. I would love to have the ability to save notes on a comp WITH that comp. If this is already a feature that I have overlooked, please feel free to chastise me.

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Christian Walcotts

Merged with: Comps Database


John Oesterle, MSBA

You can do that for comps used in previous reports by checking the date of the comp and then finding the report done about then and looking up what was said about the comp. I have also thought that having notes attached to comps in the database would be usefull.


Brad Doerle

Having a bubble of some sort that is saved with the comp in the database so that you can put notes ie what the realtor says about it, deed discrepancies you found, comments you make when using it......so you don't have to search other reports for your comments.


Christian Walcotts

Merged with: Comparables Grid


Teresa Fellows

a field under each comparable sale in the side by side view for notes about that sale that do not show up in the report report, but carry into the comp database/workfile so when you reuse a comp you have any notations, such as information verified by broker, details on large concessions, etc.


Christian Walcotts


John Patton III, St Cert REA

A comparable (CRM) database with notes AND supporting documents as a workfile. Sketch, floorplan, surveys, building permits, photos, history of sales, maps, etc. This is most needed for new construction.

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