Want to change labels in Area Calculations Summary

Mark Watson

We are a commercial real estate appraisal firm using Total Sketch. The final output of Total Sketch states "Living Area" and "Non-Living Area" with no option to change those labels. Those terms are not applicable to our discipline and we occasionally get criticism that they appear on our sketches. We would like an option in Preferences to simply change those labels to something we prefer, like "Gross Building Area" and "Gross Leasable Area." Simply being able to change the labels manually would be a vast improvement for us.


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Christian Walcotts

Merged with: Label of GBA instead of Total Living Area for Sketching


Sherry Keim

I do a lot of commercial reports through Alamode. In the drawings there is not an option to choose the label of Total Gross Building Area over Total Living area. Both should be available. This software is top notch, and I'm shocked that since Apex was dropped, this feature has not been added. It's a simple programming issue that can easily be resolved. Thank you. Sherry Keim


Michael Huff

Same issues on the residential side. If you choose basement level the software pushes the area to "Non-Living Area" to keep it out of the above grade GLA calculation. If the basement is finished it's still Living Area below grade.