Measurements show with either feet with 1 decimal point always showing or as feet and inches, with inches always showing

John Belanich

Your Total Sketch program is not in compliance with ANSI standards and thus needs to be updated as soon as possible please. ANSI requires that all measurements show with either feet with 1 decimal point always showing or as feet and inches, with inches always showing. Although I have edited in Total Sketch: Tools, Preferences, Grid, to show either 1 or 2 decimal points, either way, this does not work when the length of a line is an even number. For instance, if it's 30 feet, it should show as 30.0' but it instead shows as just 30'. The same thing happens if I switch the settings to feet & inches; it still does not work when the length of a line is an even number. For instance, if it's 30 feet, it should show as 30'0" but it instead shows as just 30'. Please correct this issue asap as more and more lenders are being quite picky about these types of details of ANSI compliance.


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Daniel Dunn

What is being done to address the serious inadequacy of the Sketch program to cut out the area beneath stairways, as required by Fannie Mae to meet ANSII requirement. I called in previously to inquire about this and demonstrated the inaccuracies being calculated by the program and I was told that this is not something that is possible. I find this to be unacceptable for the sketch program. We are required to be ANSII compliant, so the Sketch program should be programmed to allow us to cut out stair cases from basement area in compliance with ANSII. If this is not something that is being addressed, then it needs to be, regardless of how daunting of a feat it may seem. Can't you just add a feature to subtract from basement and/or subtract from GLA? Subtract from GLA is already an option for open to below and similar areas, why can't the same thing be done for basement area?


Christian Walcotts

Merged with: ANSII Basement Stairs


Jared Stein

In TOTAL Sketch, is there a way to have the program show a decimal point if it is a whole number? i.e. 10.0' instead of 10'
Thank you.
~ Jared


A la mode Support

Merged with: ANZI Standard Z765-2021 decimal point


Christian Walcotts

Thank you very much for posting. Please read help.alamode.com/docs/8014 I have spent the last few days reviewing our resources and this is what I have found. There is no reference to 'sketch' in the ANSI document. Therefore there is nothing in the ANSI document saying you need to have a trailing zero for whole numbers on your sketch.

If you have any official documentation that you can provide that shows differently please do but as far as I can tell this situation is being driven by the misconception of the clients and lenders or whoever is asking for this in revision requests.


John Belanich

Please see this posting from FNMA which clearly states under the heading "How well do you know ANSI?"; "Measurements are taken and reported on the sketch or floor plan to the nearest inch or tenth of a foot, and the final square footage calculations are reported to the nearest whole square foot."
Link @: singlefamily.fanniemae.com/media/30266/display


Christian Walcotts

Thank you for your reply. This is the most common question we have with ANSI and it is answered in our document here help.alamode.com/docs/8014. Basically ANSI is only about the measurements that appear on the report form and not on the sketch/ floor plan.


John Belanich

Total/ a la mode, now that I see several comments in here regarding this non-compliance issue with ANSI standards, why is nothing being done about it? The ANSI standards are VERY clear on this issue and a la mode is supposed to be a leader in appraisal products and compliance, so please fix this problem ASAP.

  • J

John DiMarzio

I have requested this change a while back and have heard nothing! This creates a ton more work! It needs to change asap!

  • J

Kyle Christenson

I would like the program to input the nearest tenth of a inch to read 24.0 when the number hits exactly on 24. I have to custom label all measurements when this happens. Tenth of a inches only pops in when it measures 24.1 for example.

  • J

Christian Walcotts

Merged with: Nearest tenth of a inch.


Kyle Christenson

Please let me know when you can have this available

  • J

John DiMarzio

I would like to make a improvement suggestion. Is there anyway to have the sketch program show a decimal point when it's a whole number? Because of ANSI, we are required to show the measurement with the tenths, even when it's a whole number. This adds at least 20 min extra work for me to manually edit the measurements. Well, it's been months since I submitted this and nothing! You guys a a la mode suck! I keep asking myself why I stay with you.

  • J

A la mode Support

Merged with: Whole number with decimal to the tenth