Change Symbol Default Sizes

Michael W Huff

Add an option to change default symbol sizes. Appliance sizes are not actual size to what is in my market and not having to change the size every time would be preferred.


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James Pratt

Even Better would be a folder under the drop down SYMBOLS that is USER SYMBOLS. We could Draw our own systems, save them with a name we like. You could then input one of the existing systems, resize it to fit your market, then SAVE it to the User Symbols folder for your use.

Making and saving symbols is a common thing in CAD systems. It should be easy for the development team to build in. I would be very happy to work with them to make it happen.


Michael W Huff

Agreed, it would be nice to have some updated symbols to match more modern kitchens like a sink without a divider.


Kyle Gresh

I would also like this ability for staircases etc.