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Have an idea or request for a new feature or new ways to use the ones you already have? Welcome to a la mode Feedback. You...
we need 1007 form support already
Hello, Are there plans to add the current GP form to Total Mobile? The old form GPRTD2 is supported, but not the current...
Need to able to leave the label panel open on the side of the sketch on your mobile device like you can F9 on your computer
The unit number is no where to be found. Not in the address or anywhere else when Total for Mobile is open (in the assignment...
We need land form AI on mobile already, it just says not supported and converts my template to 1004. what a mess
If we are talking about saving time in the field ... coming up with a way to route me through the comps I've pre-selected in...
In the field, it would be helpful to have the ability to access the addendum to do minor changes. I have some fields that...
Could you add the 71 A & B forms,
First can there be a way to have two line labels for the sketch that are centered with each other in an effort not to take up...