GP Residential form allows access to Comp Share from Peers

William Bramble

In the GP Residential form, you can view information on comparables if you have used them before, however, it does not allow you to access the system to see if any of your peers have used them before. So the only way for the appraiser to do it right now is to have the GP form open and open a 1004 UAD form and type in the addresses of the comparables and then manually transfer the data if there is any.


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Kristine Huston

The software will import comps I have used in prior reports, but not comps from peers? I write a lot of gpars and the smart exchange is still a big time-saver, even when having to adjust the formatting difference. It would be great to let it the land and gpar forms have this funciton.


Christian Walcotts

Merged with: Smart Exchange in Gpars


Kevin Hawkins

Thank you for your post. Your are correct that TOTAL's implementation of SmartExchange for the GP Residential and GP Restricted forms do not support peer comps at this time. At this time, I would suggest trying the SmartExchange implementation within QuickSource as it supports both local and peer comps for this form. More information can be found here: www.alamode.com/quicksource


Kevin Hawkins

Thank you for your post. Your are correct that TOTAL's implementation of SmartExchange for the GP Residential form does not support peer comps at this time. At this time, I would suggest trying the SmartExchange implementation within QuickSource as it supports both local and peer comps for this form. More information can be found here: www.alamode.com/quicksource


Christian Walcotts

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Christian Walcotts

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Christian Walcotts

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