Editing Reminder Notification Content and time

Tammy Nord

I would like to be able to edit both the text content, as well as the time that the reminder notifications are sent for appointments. Our appraiser often has appointments before 8am, so therefore sending the reminder at 8am would be unhelpful, and potentially confusing for the appointment contact.

If texts are not able to be sent that early due to FCC regulations, I'd like to be able to send it at/before the end of the allowed timeframe the night before.

I also think being able to choose to send the reminder 1 or 2 or 3 days before the appt time and edit that text as well, rather than having it set at ONLY 48 hours or the day of.


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Kristi Collard

Thanks Tammy, being able to customize the reminders is a great request. I'll document this for the team to consider in future updates.


Taylor Smith

Having the option to adjust the time the reminders go out is a great idea!