Add Office Contacts

Karrie Baker

Would it be possible for you to consider adding the office contact information as a drop down choice and have them available no matter which contacts are noted on an assignment? Here is the situation that I have most often when I am using SA. When I send a link directly to the access person and they choose an appointment the system works great. But often times I need to contact the Realtor/access person directly and in those situations after I schedule the inspection I have a template set up to send to someone in my office (either my office manager or another appraiser). I do this so it puts it on my calendar automatically and then alerts my staff that something has been scheduled so they can update the client. But because I don't have all of their cell numbers memorized I have to look them up each time. What I am asking is whether it is possible to have a dedicated dropdown that might have the cell numbers of office staff and/or appraisers. Sometimes I assign something to a trainee but that trainee is not allowed to sign the report so their name doesn't appear in the dropdown since they are not noted as an appraiser. Maybe you could add an Office Contact line that has the fixed numbers there?


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Kristi Collard

Thanks for the idea, this is something we could possibly consider in future enhancements. As a current work-around, we talked offline about making Text Templates for each office person with their name and number, so that you could easily copy/paste that information into the official contact fields, as well as have it already handy in the body of the text message.