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Can we get rid of the UAD parser so that non-uad forms are not required to follow the same formatting?
Can we make the non uad forms not follow the UAD formatting options/restrictions?
Merged with: NON UAD Forms
We're assessing how to adapt non-UAD forms to be free from UAD formatting constraints. Your input is invaluable as we enhance our services. Thank you for the great idea.
Or can we add a NON UAD parser for those respective forms
Activity Newest / Oldest
Kyle Gresh
Can we make the non uad forms not follow the UAD formatting options/restrictions?
Christian Walcotts
Merged with: NON UAD Forms
Kevin Hawkins
We're assessing how to adapt non-UAD forms to be free from UAD formatting constraints. Your input is invaluable as we enhance our services. Thank you for the great idea.
Kyle Gresh
Or can we add a NON UAD parser for those respective forms